Discretionary Portfolio
SCL Value Portfolio
SCL Value Portfolio is designed for investors who wish to have a combination of safer as well as a riskier investment. It provides a balance of safety, income, and capital appreciation, and invests in a combination of equities, equity related products, and fixed income instruments. The product will invest into diversified set of instruments, namely equity, term deposits, and money market instruments. The product will choose from a set of large, mid, and small cap stocks which have been providing steady returns.
Portfolio Composition
The product will have a blend of growth stocks as well as value stocks. The composition of this product would be a mixture of equity, money market instruments, term deposits and a certain portion of the fund would be held as cash for application of IPOs/FPOs. 70% of the investments would be in the listed equities with higher concentration in value stocks, 20% would be allocated for short term deposits and money market instruments and the remaining 10% would be set aside as cash deposits and for applications of IPOs/FPOs/NFOs.
Risk Factors
This product is suitable for the investors with a medium risk profile. The investment is suitable to those who seek moderate to high long-term growth in capital with less volatility in the portfolio.
Expected Portfolio Return | 12% - 16% |
Hurdle Rate | 10% |
Tenure | 2 Years |
Fee Structure
Service Charge
Investment Amount (in Rs.) | Annual Service Fees (%) |
20 lakhs - 50 lakhs | 1.30% |
50 lakhs - 1 crore | 1.25% |
1 crores - 5 crores | 1% |
5 crores - 10 crores | 0.75% |
> 10 crores | 0.5% |
Incentive Fee
Portfolio Return | Incentive Fees |
< 8% | Nil |
9% - 15% | 15% |
16% - 25% | 20% |
> 25% | 25% |
Exit Load | 1% |
*Note: While availing of the Portfolio Management services, the investment amount can be handed to the portfolio manager in a combination or solely of the following options: cash, existing stocks, and a combination of both stocks as well as cash.